Well, the cold and the winds are back. Our high for today here in Traverse City will be at 60F (not including the wind chill off the lake) with winds of 15-20 knots out of the NW. Not anywhere near ideal sailing conditions. Even if we are only going 8 miles north to Bowers Harbor. So, we made the decision to stay another day here in the marina where we are comfortably tied to the dock, have power, and access to hot showers. I think that we’re going to need to toughen up a bit when we leave the creature comforts of US waters. Marinas will be few and far between in Canada and it’s most likely still going to be cold there too! I’m learning that I’m less and less of a fan of marina/land life and much more comfortable on the hook. This will come in handy as we progress towards the ocean.
Most of the day was spent hunkered down in the boat reading and writing. But, we ventured out for a traditional Friday night fish fry at a one of the several micro breweries in town. We had a great meal (hard to beat beer battered fish, fries, and a cold beer). On the way back, we ran into these guys on the Nauticat “party catamaran”. They had a fully booked guest list for this evening (mind you there was a frost advisory in affect) for a popular local singer/artist. Business seems to be going well for them with a fully stocked bar and a mega-loud sound system. Nice guys!

Well, it’s time to turn in. More tomorrow!