With the boat’s destiny determined. We set off for a marina a little further down in Orillia called Marina Del Ray. It was the only marina within reasonable distance from where we were docked that had the travel lift capacity
Hauling Out

With the boat’s destiny determined. We set off for a marina a little further down in Orillia called Marina Del Ray. It was the only marina within reasonable distance from where we were docked that had the travel lift capacity
The night at anchor in Severn Falls was relatively peaceful. However, it was Friday night and the boat traffic was rather heavy. Even into the night. It didn’t bother me much, as the rocking of the wakes against the hull lulled
Well, today’s the day. Where we find out what we’re made of as navigators and boat handlers. Last night after dinner, my dad and I sat down at the chart plotter and attempted to preview what today had in store.
Whew! It has been a busy past few days. Our time in Midland has seemed like a blur; as we had a laundry list of items to complete on the boat to prep it for entering the Trent-Severn Waterway. I