OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe awoke to a lake of glass. The storms from last night crept in like a lamb, with nothing but a few mews to speak of. And in their wake, left calm-warm air. We had a wonderful little breakfast again at Martha’s and I resigned to do some work updating the blog shortly thereafter.


After a few hours of updating. I made a run into the local RadioShack in search of a few items. It was there that I ran into what I imagined to be the owner or manager, Rink. We got to chatting a little bit about the components that I sought and through the conversation the application was unveiled (i.e. it was for a boat). As it turns out, Rink too made a similar trip some 40 years ago on a 41 foot Islander sailing from Charleston, SC through the Welland Canal and into the Great Lakes. We mused about his adventure for a time and both agreed that it was an amazing experience to be undertaken. Unfortunately, I did not find what I was looking for in terms of electronics. But, was very happy to have met Rink along the way.

The rest of the day was quite lazy, warm, and placid. I’ve been able to do a great deal of writing and reading which is very therapeutic. I end each day quite content; save for one item. Which I will not speak of in this forum.

~A man can contemplate much about life while at sea. Free of all the distractions and temptations on land.

The night is young, but it’s future is questionable again as the threat of storms loom to the west. Maybe tonight they’ll roar in like a lion. Until then, I’ll savor another sunset in Suttons Bay.

~Sieze the day
~Sieze the day
Suttons Bay Day Two